Well, look what I found.

I'm building a new house in my mind and I think these trays are the perfect starting point. I love the colors and the way they feel like you inherited them from Great Aunt Claire. I can see the orange one with a pitcher of limeade and a small green vase of California poppies. A curious green hummingbird will slip by to envy the moment. Which reminds me: Next week, I want to plant penstemon over in the corner of the courtyard for him and his wife. They're building a nest up in the wisteria. (Have you ever seen how tiny hummingbird eggs are?!) If anyone's going to be out and about this week, keep your eye peeled for a unique bird bath, will you? Nothing too ornate. You can find these great trays at Sundance Catalog. When I get to be a better blogger, I'll tell you to just click on the pic. For now, you'll have to go to SundanceCatalog.com. Aw come on, just type it in; it'll be worth the extra work. You can take a nap afterwords.
BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I love it, and I love your blog!!! I'm so happy that I'm the FIRST COMMENT on your blog! I love you!!!
P.S. you are SUCH a lovely writer!
Mom! Your blog is AWESOME!! I can't wait for your next post!!!!!!!!!
Oh. My. GOSH!!! Annie! This is so darned WONDERFUL!!! I shouldn't be THIS excited, but I really am! What a beautiful blog. I cannot WAIT to see all the neat things you're going to put on here. You're off to an awesome start...LOVE these trays. Love YOU!
You have the most amazing way with words! You always have! I love your blog. It will be a fun addition to my daily routine....1)cuddle and love Cole, 2)cuddle and love my husband, 3)eat, 4)check Annies and Nats blog, 5)clean up, 6)go on walk...hahaha How exciting, thanks for sharing!
Sounds like the PERFECT day, Stephanie!
Oh Steph. Everyone's day should be so perfect! Savor it!!!!!!!
Shelly--I love you!
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