Our cute son-in-law, Kevin, sent me this story today: A husband and wife went in for marriage counseling. When the counselor asked what the problem was, the wife launched into a heated tirade and listed every problem they'd ever had in their entire 20 years of marriage. She whined on and on: he neglected her, they had no intimacy, the marriage was empty and lonely, she felt unloved, he was unlovable-he was a twit and she'd had it up to here. Finally, after he had allowed the tirade to go on for a sufficient length of time, the therapist got up, walked over to the wife and asked her to stand. He took her into his arms and kissed her passionately, while her shocked husband looked on, eyes bulging. When the therapist released her, the woman sank to her seat, dazed but finally silent. The therapist then turned to her husband and said, "This is what your wife needs at least three times a week. Can you agree to this?"
The man shifted uneasily in his chair as he considered the therapist's suggestion. He nervously cleared his throat, "Well, I could drop her off here on Mondays and Wednesdays, but on Fridays, I fish."
Hahahaha! Love this! Also love the art. I'm absolutely ENJOYING your blog.
I SOOOO loved this story, Annie! Thank you for the chuckle in my day! And, thank you for taking the time to create this blog. It is a wonderful respite for me!
Hello! That was one of the greatest stories. I am going to send it to my husband.
It would be fabulous if you put the peanut butter cookie recipe on your blog. I need all the help I can get.:) Thank you so much.
P.S. Your blog is beautiful!
that was so funny - i'm going to have to send that to my husband.
Just three times a week? I would say 1) we all need some love and attention three times a day, everyday, 2) get a new doctor... LOL
We had such a wonderful time with your beautiful family on Monday... Natalie graciously did a shoot for our family. My mom and Dan were in town for a short visit, and my little family will be here (in Kailua) for another month! Anyway, the topic of your new blog came up and my mom said that I should check it out! What a pleasure!! I want to add you to my list so that I can visit often! I love this blog world... such a great way to keep tabs on longtime friends! Please take care and keep posting! I've read every post so far, I'm really enjoying them. Mahalo!
Lindsay Gibson
Annie-I am a friend of Heather's and I just wanted to say that I love your new blog! I think we may have met at least once-if you came to a bridal shower for Heather at my parents house in Provo, which I think you did. Anyway-I love the Nortons and your Natalie is such a special sweet girl-not to mention how amazing your grandbaby boys are! Wow. Thanks for the post on the Donkey-made me laugh!
Hey there LInds!
I'm so glad to hear the shoot went well. I'll be looking for those pictures over at natalienortonphoto.com! I'm always excited to see Natalie's work, but this time, I'm gonna be so thrilled to see all of the Maero/ Fetzer/ Gibson clan. I love your family so, so much, and I'm happy to hear that you're going to be out there-all together- for a while. Thanks for dropping by. I'd love your input, inspiration, ideas, requests or suggestions and feedback! Bring it on-I value your opinion!
xoxoxox, annie
lyn.--I'm with you! We ALL need lots of lovin' AND we should all be givin' lots of lovin'
Sounds like a blog post . . . Hmmm. . . let's see now. . .
Thanks! -SkL
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