If you have a child in your life, or one hiding inside you somewhere, you deserve to meet Pigeon and his creator, Mo Willems. Mo and his menagerie (Knuffle Bunny, Edwina, Elephant and Piggie) have won enough honors and awards (yes, Caldecotts) to collapse many mantels, and after just a little time with them, you'll understand why. My present favorite is Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! in which Pigeon whines, cajoles, begs, canoodles, and screams like a three-year-old, trying to get the reader to let him drive the bus. Your three to seven-year-olds will giggle themselves silly as they scream "Nooo!" to Pigeon's increasingly zany bargaining. "I'll tell you what: I'll just steer," or "I never get to do anything," and even the old standby "No fair! I bet your mom would let me." Ultimately, we all see ourselves in this crazy, conniving pigeon, and keep laughing ourselves all the way to wisdom. Here's the Skinny: It never hurts to start early in giving our kids fun ways to learn to just say "Nooooo!"
Oh! Sounds like a GOODY! I love your book review, Annie! They boys will LOVE that!
p.s. - I'm really, really loving you having a blog.
That sounds like the cutest book!
I happened upon you blog and I gotta say, I totally agree with you! I love that book! I read it once for a summer reading program at the BYUH Bookstore. It was so fun! I'm gonna have to get that book for my son when he's older! I'd love that book now really! You should read "Today I Will Fly" also by Mo
Is that the one with Piggie? I remember seeing that on Mo's site and it did look good. Thanks for the tip. You ARE all heart, aren't you?
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