Hukilau Beach, La'ie Hawaii May 14, 2007
I am so blessed to have the quiet assurance that there is life beyond this earthly existence. I know that we will all meet again, and when we do, we'll marvel at how short our wait truly was. I know Gavin lives on-that he's still learning, laughing, giving, loving and touching lives in that magical way that was his alone. Keep up the good work, Bud. We'll do our best here, too, and on that glistening day when we can hold each other again, we'll sit down together and talk story for a good long time. I love you buddy. See you soon!
I love Gavin so much, Annie! These pictures are how I think of him (and I do, ALL the time!) -- happy, partaking of nature, holding on to his little nephews that he loves so dearly. He's living life this way now -- sharing his loving, happy spirit with even more souls than he could have here. He LOVES his family!!! You're also my hero...
Oh, this post was just perfect. It touched my heart. I loved how you said, "..and when we do, we'll marvel at how short our wait truly was."
Really. Thank you for that. I personally needed to hear that for my own little trials and heart breaks in life. If we can only remember that... THANK YOU ANNIE!
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