Once upon a time, Cesar Dog Food ran a clever ad where they posted pictures of the supposed winners of an "I Look Like My Dog" contest. Supposed? Was the contest even real? I'm sorry, I have no clue. But this contest is real! And, there's a $25 prize on the table. Want to give it a try? Scroll through the pictures of these dogs and their humans, and see if you can match each dog with his or her human. I'll give you the easiest one: Human #1 belongs to Dog F. See how easy that is? Once you've matched all six pairs, post your guesses under COMMENTS below, and on Friday, I'll post the answers--along with the names of our first round winners. Then, over the weekend, my puppies and I will randomly select a lucky Grand Prize winner from all the first round winning entries. Grand Prize: A $25 gift certificate to PetsMart! (Not a pet owner? If you're our winner, we'll come up with a $25 gift card that works for you. How about Barnes and Noble? Or just plain green dollars? You tell me.) All you have to do is start matching. Best of luck to all!
All photos found online, without any sort of attribution. I assume they belong to the CESAR Pet Food Company. Click here: CESAR for link to special offers.
Hi Grammie,
Thank you for giving us that game. That was a fun game; we played it tonight? How are you doing in Utah? I miss you! Here are our guesses:
Me and my mom played the game at night but I did all the guessing.
Hooka Maka Zooka Poopa!
Love, Raleigh
Hi there Ralikins. Hooka Maka Zooka Poopa to you too! Those are really good guesses! I can't tell you the answers until Friday, but I'll let you know then, OK? If you want, you can play again and maybe you'll come up with different dogs with different people next time. I love you bunches! And I'm so so so proud of you!!!
xoxo, Grammie
Human 1 and Dog F
Human 2 and Dog E
Human 3 and Dog A
Human 4 and Dog C
Human 5 and Dog D
Human 6 and Dog B
That was really fun! I have always thought that people choose dogs that resemble them...
If you want a way to pick random winners try http://random.org
I think what you want you can find under http://random.org/faq/#Q3.1
Lots of bloggers use it for their contests...
Hi lyn.
Those sites are new to me. Thanks! I'll go have a look. Have a great week! -SL
Here's my entry: A=3, B=6, C=4, D=5,E=2,F=1. I have a cat but if I win I'd love the Barens and Nobel card. Thanks!
My dog and I could be Dog and Human #7. We both have blonde hair, short legs, runny mascara (OK, his is eye goop) and both need a good pedicure. Not to mention the facial hair...
Okay Annie...here goes!!!!!! #1 of course F #2 E #3 A #4 C #5 D #6 B Your a doll Annie!!!
Human 1--dog F Human 2--dog E Human 3--dog A Human 4--dog C Human 5--dog D Human 6--dog B Have you ever noticed how much spouses look alike over time? Love, Kathy
Hi Annie. What a blast you are. Here are my guesses. Haven't compared them to the other entries:
F 1 (Obviously)
E 2
C 4
A 3
B 6
D 5
Fun contest. I'll be interested to see the answers!
Great contest! Here are my answers:
dog A-human 3
dog B- human 6
dog C- human 4
dog D -human 5
dog E- human 2
dog F- human 1
After much thought....
A 3
B 6
C 4
D 5
E 2
F 1
We would love a trip to PetsMart to pick out treats & toys! We're keeping our paws crossed. Love, Max & Duke
Hi.... Found the link to this on Natalie Norton. Been here before and love your blog!! Here are my guesses, by the way, I have three dogs and look NOTHING like any of them (thank goodness!!)
Thanks for the fun game!!
It was pretty weird that these people really look like there dogs. Who would have thought? Any way here are my answers:
I kind of wish I looked more like my dog. She's cute.
1 = F
2 = A
3 = E
4 = C
5 = D
6 = A
Fun blog!
It's so fun to hear from all of you. Thanks for coming out to play!
Gem-I know, you can buy your cat a book.
Terry-You crack me up. Move out here and we'll go for pedicures.
Kathy-You'd look more like Rick if you had a beard.
Michael-Miss you. We all need to play.
Heather and Taylor- I LOVE YOU!
Barefoot GG- I'm NOT going to tell Dublin and Lily that you let Max and Duke use your computer. And you'd better not tell them, either.
ekbetsy and amy-Send me pics and I'll let you know how you're doing on those look-alike wishes.
ashley-Just wait til you see the matched pairs posted side by side on Friday. It's a little freaky.
Thanks for dropping by. Next time, we'll have cake.
xo, SL aka Annie
Ok here's my guesses - c4 - E2-f1-b6-d5-a3
love you,
Crum! Am I too late? I'm guessing anyway.....I do have to say that Human #3 really doesn't look like Dog A to me, I was thinking more of a hound dog with the droopy eyes but that's just me.
Steph . . . you've still got p l e n t y of time. Contest closes Friday at midnight; drawing will take place this weekend, WINNER will be announced on Monday, May 5th. Certain rules and restrictions must apply--but I can't think of any, so I guess they don't.
What a contest! What a country! Just imagine how far a whole $25 could take you . . .
Dear Ms. Lefkoe,
We are pleased to report than we have received your contest entry. Please note that no contest results will be reported until Friday, May 2, 2008. Even if you do know someone at contest headquarters. Even if you have pet names like Mushky for any of our employees here at Contest HQ. Even if you're particularly special, which we acknowledge you are. You're just gonna have to cool your jets like everybody else.
But we love you!
Dog A-3 (that's a hard one!)
That's fun!
Dog A, Human 3
Dog B, Human 6
Dog C, Human 4
Dog D, Human 5
Dog E, Human 2
Dog F, Human 1
from Seattle at the Speed of Trust!
c 4
b 6
f 1
e 2
a 3
d 5
fun! Thanks!
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