I've got some kind of bug: achey joints, sick stomach, headache--there is a lot of woe is me going on over here. Last night I told Greg that just in case I died during the night, I wanted him to remember how much I loved him. (I'm really not usually a drama queen, I just haven't felt this much like donkey poop in a very long time.) So, with all my poor-baby woe and misery, I had a hard time getting comfortable and didn't fall asleep until around 1:00. Of course, Greg's snoring woke me at 2:42. I have no room to complain here: I snore too. The kids tell me that's how they always knew when it was safe to sneak out at night--they'd simply listen for Mom to get her snore on. But Greg, right next to me, doesn't even hear it. He's the lucky one. Thieves could ransack the house, kidnap me and set fire to the bed for good measure, and Greg would blissfully snooze right through it all. I kid you not. Well ok, maybe a little--but just about the fire part.
Our neighbors recently adopted a donkey. As I understand the story, they're keeping him for another neighbor because their neighbors complained about his braying. Well, this morning, true to his reputation, Donkey got his pipes going at 4:59. I'm not complaining. Remember? I'd been up since 2:42; I was glad for some company. Here's the riff: He launches with a long, mournful, kind of lumber town lunch-whistle imitation, and then he completes the aria with some good ole, traditional hee-hawing. I honestly like him: His bray is certainly unique, maybe a little pitchie, dawg, but not annoying. It's very country. Makes me feel rugged. Yesterday afternoon, I asked my neighbor whether our boy's a mule or a donkey (yes, there is a difference) and she said all she knows is that he's a jackass. Obviously, his old neighbors agree.
Ok, number 1 item of business. . . I never sneaked out of the house. . . I don't know what you're talking about.
Second, that post made me laugh out loud. . . a little pitchie dawg. . . you are too funny!!!
Third, I LOVE that picture of your new donkey friend! Ha ha ha!!!
HAHAHA I am actually jealous! That is so funny.
:( I hope you are feeling better!
Annie, thanks for the visit and comments.Sorry you're not well; I've had the same thing, but the antibiotics I got yesterday have done the trick for me. I'll poke around a little while I'm here.
I felt like donkey poop last week and the week before, and I'm still coughing! }-:
I sure hope yours doesn't last that long...
I love this entry! I also love that Randy Jackson was having a slumber party at your house and gave Mr. Donkey his critique. I love you Annie!
"Maybe a little pitchy, Dawg, but not annoying"!!! BWAHahahahHAHA! Oh, ANNIE, this whole thing really had me belly-laughing! Your final line was the dollop of pure hilarity right on top! Hahaha! I LOVE your writing! Maybe you should have more sleepless nights? This was really a good one:)
I really do hope you're feeling better. I'm so sorry you've been so sick!
Annie, this is Bayley Christensen! I don't know if you remember me, i hope so, but i've been to your house a few times with the Norton clan. Well, I seriously LOVE reading your blog, it's so hilarious!! This post especially was making me laugh so hard. i just wanted to say hello, so...hello!! :)
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