And since it's almost Mother's Day, I thought you might like a SkinnyLink peek at some unique gifts (from maniac to must-have) for the Baby Mamas in your life.
Let's start with the (ahem) indispensable gift for any household with a new baby and big brothers. (Natalie, this one's for you and Lincoln. Steph, you may want to consider one for when Cardon visits. . .)
Behold the amazing My First Riot Helmet by Yes, friends, this is for real. And believe me, if you grew up in a house with big brothers (and are still compus mentus), you may yearn to kneel before the inventor. Someone call the Nobel committee.

Oh yes. This innocent little lamb is hanging from the top of a restroom stall door. Mama-mia! What is going on here? Here's the Skinny:
You're at the mall with baby, and you need to use the twah-lay (that's French for toilet). . . your only alternative is to enter a germ infested cubicle! . . . EEEEK! What to do with Baby?? Never fear, The Baby Keeper is here! (Yes Richie, this one's for you.) In fairness to the makers of this contraption, I need to let you know that it also functions as a pretty slick baby carrier. Think you gotta have it? Here you go: Mommy Just don't come running to me when your child outs you on Jerry Springer some day. Remember, you asked for it.

The Congratulations! You get to sit near me! t-shirt.
Imagine flying for six plus hours with 4-year, 3-year, and 18-month old little boys. When my poor daughter and her husband fly to the mainland from their home in Hawaii, they generally limp off that plane looking like warmed-over extras off a Rambo-movie set. And though they do their very best to be respectful of their fellow passengers . . . well you try keeping three little boys quiet in a steel tube for 6 hours and let us all know how that works out for you. This is why I'm buying three of these great baby T's from Milk Bomb. Maybe a little humor will help all the big people on the flight chill a little and just smile through their pain.

oh gol! you are so dang funny. where did you come from?
This is a FANTABULOUS Fab Five Friday, Fannie! Err, I mean Annie! Where in the world did you even FIND these? Awesome. You make me laugh. That's a good thing:)
I've GOT to get those cute little T's! I get to enjoy that same 6 hour flight with 3, ages 4 and under! What fun! Nursing aprons rock too! I started making them and giving them away as gifts... the best! Okay, the bathroom one, a bit sketchy, but truly a life saver!
Linds-Aren't those t-shirts just perfect for you and Natalie?? Happy Mother's Day to you and your wonderful Mom and Jodi! Love you all of you!!
This is the best post I have seen all week. :-D
1/5: I think we could use a few of those helmets in the lunchroom and on the playground at school right away...
2/5: My oldest son and his wife always do rock, paper, scissors when there is a dirty diaper. Maybe he wouldn't fuss so much when he loses, if he had one of those masks... teehee
3/5: I absolutely love the "hang the baby out to dry" gadget. I sure could have used one about 20 years ago! I am going to get one each for my daughters-in-law, asap...
4/5: I would love to sit next a a little tyke with one of those shirts on! In fact, I will have to keep my eyes peeled for one on my next flight, so I can be the first to volunteer...
5/5: Gotta love the HH! But, even though they have changed the name, I may be too old to learn a new trick, so they will always be HHs to me... LOL
these were great! thank u for sharing! i especially loved the "hang your baby in the icky bathroom" contraption.
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