
To immunize or not to immunize?

I have been sick now for two weeks. I'd consider myself to be in excellent condition--6 days a week of strenuous aerobic work-outs, yoga and weights. But with this H1N1, there have been nights when I had such a hard time breathing I wondered if I should have Greg take me to the ER. If you decide to not immunize, please, make sure you do everything within your power to keep your kids healthy this flu season. This really is a scary virus.


lyn. said...

I got the regular flu shot two weeks ago, and everyone around me who didn't is sick. I don't qualify for the first round of the H1N1 mist, but I will be first in line when I can get it!! I just don't like being sick...

Heather said...


What a great post! I'm all for the flu shot, and all vaccines to be honest! Cole's going in for his second round of flu shot in a couple weeks.

There are relatives I have that are against vaccines and specifically the flu shot (for who knows why?!) but don't you worry! My little Cole will be healthy as a ....I don't know, be he will be :)

Annie Link said...

Yea Heather! I'm so happy to hear this!! You are a very smart mommy!

shelly said...

Annie! This just kills me that you've got H1N1 and you've been so sick for SO LONG! You poor thing!

Natalie. said...

oh gol. all of you. oh gol.

Natalie. said...

I'm actually not against the flu shot or even vaccinations . . . just to clarify. I just wish 2 things.

A) that people would realize that a mommy's decision NOT to vaccinate (or get the flu shot) does NOT make them a less responsible mother. It's their stewardship. And we should be supportive.

B) it's the mercury in the flu shot that makes mom's shy away. They do offer mercury free flu shots, but you have to pay out of pocket. So for our family for example, it would cost over $200 to get the boys and I a mercury free vaccination!

We're vaccinating our kids. . .just at a less aggressive pace. The US has the highest number of mandated vaccinations and and most aggressive schedule. We've opted for an alternative vaccination schedule and are very happy with our decision. :)

the end.