
(Just learning how to use flickr, so this mosaic isn't exactly what I was hoping for . . . I wish Matt and Heather weren't all the way over on the other side of the pond--I'd have called them this morning for a tutorial. I think there's a way to post these so you can click on each individually to enlarge? I feel lucky even to have broken the code on how to make this stinking, not-what-I-had-in-mind mosaic though. It'll just have to do for now. I've only got about 10 minutes left of my 90 mins of internet usage here my hotel room. If you're sensing a hint of technology frustration here, you're right on the mark.)
Harrod's is a favorite stop for me while in London. My sweetest memories of this fantastically fantasmic store are from my first visit to London with Natalie. Our enchantment on discovering the luxury bathrooms for the first time comes to mind. (Yesterday, Greg had the camera with him in the Men's room or I'd have shot them, too. But it's just as well. We're now 10 years since and they're not quite what they used to be. In all fairness here: time has taken it's toll on me too.)
Harrod's food courts are still breathtaking. Greg and I first sat down at the Caviar Bar but changed our minds after a quick look at the menu which announced $425 servings. For lunch. How to choose? Fresh sushi? The seafood bar? We settled on Harry's deli where we each ate chicken noodle soup and 1/2 sandwich for 50 pounds ($70 US) for the two of us. I've shot Greg's soup, lox and bagel here. My Reuben was a wonder. No Russian dressing (ala Carnegie Deli in New York), but I soothed my disappointment with a dollop of Raspberry Horseradish relish. I know, at first I was incredulous, then curious, surprised, then enchanted. We wandered, literally wide-eyed, through the Confectionary surrounded by miles and miles of exquisitely displayed chocolates, y chocolat. I did my best to resist these Sirens, but finally succumbed to a creamy, mouth-melting chocolate and hazelnut praline. (My pants got tighter just smelling this little delight.) The photo of those red currants in Produce needs to be billboard size to give you the same feeling they gave me. Here among art gallery-quality displays of vibrant fruits and vegetables, I found exquisite pomegranates for a mere 6 pounds, a piece ($8 US). I almost bought one--they were perfect. On to the perfumery. Here, the 6+ foot tall floral arrangements were impossible to capture without a wide angle lens--there were at least 40 of them, balanced atop each perfume counter, I imagined some lavish, royal wedding. I settled for close-ups of the Calla lillies. If the pictures above were whole, you'd see one of the dozens of impeccably dressed sales women standing with here with her arms folded, ready to politely remind me that I am NOT allowed take pictures here. So we were off to Men's furnishings, where Greg found Dior ties at L100 a pop. Oh, and I wish you could really see the opulence of the Egyptian escalator with it's uncharacteristically quiet shrine to Princess Diana and Dodi.
Natalie, Natalie, I wish you were here!
A good thought

A Magnificent Milestone
Un peu de FUN.

Snail's Pace
While I'm out . . .
Since I won't be an everyday kinda gal here on the Skinny Link for a while, I thought I'd post a fun little everyday something to keep you busy while I'm gone. (Devil's workshop and all that, you know.) This is really fun. You're going to love it. The Norfolk Botanical Garden in Norfolk, Virginia, in cooperation with a local television station, has been video tracking the nesting, laying, hatching, and feeding of a clutch of

This morning, I heard some very loud, urgent birdsong coming from the building site. My camera was downstairs (darn), but the call was so frantic, I skipped the camera and ran in to see what was up. There was Edgar perched on the side of the hummingbird feeder, his tiny talons grasping the chain, chirping his little heart out--in alarm. It was immediately clear why. A big fat robin has taken over his and Lenore's nest! I watched helplessly as Edgar tried to scare him away, but it was no use. The robin must be four or five times Edgar's size. I wish there was something I could do. Hopefully, he and Lenore will still have time to get another nest built before their eggs are ready to lay!
My little Brit.
House hunting.
Are you kidding me?
Hungry for summer

Swan Song

On Snow and the Promise of Spring
A good thought

Twitter Recall
Real time twitters.
Snugglie Bugglie Time

Once upon a time there was a mommy who loved to rock her baby while they read stories together. Oh, how they loved to snuggle up with a good story! They called it their Snugglie Bugglie time, and both Mommy and Baby thought it was just about the very best time of the whole day. Then, one day, Baby grew big and a new baby came to live with him and Mommy. Imagine how happy they were! Except for one sad thing. When they all tried to snuggle up for story time together, they discovered they had a SQUASHEY problem! Oh no! Their rocking chair was too little for Sugglie Bugglie Time! So Grammie went surfing and discovered this wonderful idea called the Storytime Rocker.