Its been a L O N G time! The old me would have been frantic at not having left a post in such a long time, but, well, she deconstructed about a year ago and this new person (who's very unrecognizable to the old me) is happy to let things go when she needs a break. Thanks for asking about my absence. I love you too. So glad you all have rich and full lives outside of this silly blog!
So, where have I been?
Carlsbad to visit Pop
YAY! You're alive and well! I missed you immensely! I'm glad you've been having a fun summer! xoxoxoxoxoxxoox
I am so glad you're back!
I've really missed you...
P.S. I think I have you by at least three years. LOL
You've been missed so much! I'm really happy you're back, Annie. Also - one more thing...while you were gone, Luanne said that she came to believe she truly IS a genius! Hahaha! I think she read that each day that you were away:) You know - positive reinforcement!
Ha! Ha! Great idea Shelly! I'm going to do a post that says: Annie and Shelly, you're geniuses! and leave it up for a month or so. Think it would help?
Well it sure couldn't hurt, is my guess!
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