I'm still contemplating details about that future dream house I told you about a few weeks ago. So, the other day, I visited my friend Judy's website and found this door knob. It may be just my own weird taste, but I'm actually kinda digging this slightly funky hand-for-a-door knob. But here's my concern: Would it make guests feel a bit squeamish? Tell the truth now. How would you feel about entering the home of a person who would choose this as their front door opener? Even if you're normally just a lurker , please comment. Anonymous is fine. I really want to know what you think. Seriously. This isn't a joke. OK. Stop laughing, will you?
And, for those of you tender hearts who were a bit worried about Lily's surgery . . . she's doing very well and sends y'all thanks for your concern. She came home sleepy and really didn't want to hear about how much Dublin had missed her. It took a bit, but he finally calmed down and let her sleep the evening away. They can catch up tomorrow.
Now, before I run off to bed, I just have one more thing to say. How 'bout them Davie-boys on Idol??! We'll talk more about that tomorrow. G'night now. Sweet dreams.
first of all: SO FUNNY and SO COOL! The boys would LOVE that! You'd be the coolest grammie ever.
And I'm really mad at you for fixing Lilly. . . where am I supposed to get my Cavapoo now??
Oh and your new blog look. . . WAY better! I love it!!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that hand! I'd think of it as "Thing"'s grandson... I loved American Idol last night. I even cried with them when they showed their homecomings!
(I think you should get the hand)
P.S. - I'm so glad Lily's surgery went fine and she's home safe and sound! The picture is adorable!
Door knob: WAY cool! It reminds me of willy wonka (the old one) when they are just walking into the factory and are up against a wall, and there are hands on the wall that look JUST like this door knob, and they grab the hats off everyone's heads! I think you should get it!
Davids: LOVE it! Can't wait to see what happens next week!
i think i'm more on the 'ew its kinda creepy' side here :D its very cool and a cracking idea but for some reason makes me feel icky!
How do you use the hand doorknob if you are left-handed... haha :-D
My first instinct would to shake the hand when first approaching and having a little giggle BUT then the germaphobe comes out and says very simply, "who else has shaken that hand, and when was the last time they washed there hands". I have split personalities ;) and yes, I hear voices and talk back to them frequently hahahaa
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