Well, all I can say is, there are some pretty smart puppies out there reading the SkinnyLink! Congratulations to our FIRST ROUND PRIZE WINNERS:
- lyn.
- gemma
- terry
- nancy sue
- kathy
- michael
- heather
- pierces
- max and duke (of barefoot gypsy girl)
- amy
- shelly
- stephanie
- votistdot (oh! I just got it! hahahahaha!)
- barry
- raleigh- who's answers weren't EXACTLY right, but wins honorable mention as our youngest player!
But, disappointment and heartache aside, I would like to offer a Big SkinnyLink congratulations to all of you lucky First Round winners! Your names will go into our giant diamond studded doggie bowl for the big drawing this weekend. Tune in again on Monday to see who our LUCKY Grand Prize winner will be!
And Raleigh, good job! You WON a pack of ORANGE TIC-TACS! Watch for them in the mail! and thanks for playing! I love you, Grammie
Raleigh will be so excited!! He really did do that all by himself. He got out a pencil and piece of paper and matched his letters and numbers all by himself!!
YAY, keep your paws crossed Max & Duke, I just know you're going to snag this one. Thanks Skinny (I hope it's OK that I called you Skinny, you can call me Skinny anytime) I so enjoy your creative posts.
Thanks Barefoot GG! How nice of you! Tell Max and Duke I wish them luck . . . & Dublin and Lily are keeping all four paws crossed for them! (I think they're a little prejudiced toward the canine crowd.)
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