After four months of virtually non-stop travel, classes, study, family events, home repairs and work stress, I woke up one morning into the usual cloud of guilt that I hadn't had the energy or time to update my blog in weeks, and in that single quiet crystalline moment realized that what I really wanted to do was disappear the pressure to blog regularly, explode the expectation of coming up with something 'significant' to say on any kind of a regular basis, and gently slide easily back into simply living and living simply--and expressing myself with abandon--free of even the lightest intimidation that ANYONE would be dropping by to see what I was thinking or had to say.
I never imagined that this quiet decision on that bright Bermudian morning would end up coming off as a slap in the face to the people who have been lovingly dropping by to peer into my crazy thoughts and leave a little love and support behind as they read. I never dreamed my need for a break would end up giving the people I love the impression that they were being ousted from my life. Oh my.
Good people at Blogger, a simple request: Re-think your privacy design, would you PLEASE? Give us a way to gracefully slip away into quiet oblivion without leaving our followers feeling like some kind of exclusive club has been formed and they haven't made the cut for entry! How 'bout the option of a simple one line message to tell folks we just need a little break for now? Give us a way to draw the drapes for a minute yet still leave an 'I love you' note on the front door.
Get this: When I went to my own landing page and read that I hadn't been "invited"--I found myself feeling excluded and abandoned. What's up with that? It's about time I re-set my 'relationship default setting' don't you think? I mean, really. What is up with that?
ha ha oh sorry annie.. i didnt mean to put more pressure on you. I think you, and anyone else, deserves a break if needed and wanted. I didnt take it on the negative side when i discovered i could not read your blog any more, but that you had just made some changes to it and maybe forgot to add me back on. No pressure Annie, but just know that i really enjoy your blog that keeps me updated from time to time with a dear friend. Your welcome to take me back off if you need some space. Hey just be like me and dont write any thing too profound or interesting and then when you go private again no one will really care. :) Im smiling
No pressure Freddie! No harm! No foul!! How very very careful we are with each other. Aren't humans wonderful creatures? So much love and care.
Kisses to you and your fam. MWA!
YEAH YEAH YEAH!! I am going down to see the Baxters for a few days and I am excited. Blake informed me that a trip to Sea World is in order! Annie, we need to catch up! I want to hear about your travels! Love you!
I love you and your blog, Annie...
But,if it seems like too much pressure, then just knowing that you are out there somewhere will be enough!!
I am selfish enough to want to be in your inner circle. I love to read and reread even if there is nothing new, it makes me feel close. You are so very special to me and I love you.
As much as I love checking on your blog to get my Annie fix, I think you deserve to just say "done". I know that the reason I've resisted making a blog was for the very reason you gave. Go ahead and keep life simple - enjoy - relax:) You may feel like doing it again some day...if not...we'll talk on the phone! Novel concept! Love you, Annie!
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